As genealogists and family historians, we often talk about getting your memories recorded in some fashion. Record a relative telling a story. Scrapbook photos. Write down family stories. I would be remiss if I didn't offer an "easier said than done" admonition. And, that brings me to this:
This is the 15th year that The Family History Studio is doing this challenge! Through the month of February 2025, begin your family history writing journey with the help of this free program. Click above to sign up! You'll receive a daily email, daily sprints, skill development discussions, introduction to a community of family history enthusiasts, discounts on writing classes, and even weekly prizes! I can't think of a better way to spend February 2025.
Check into this challenge and consider joining me in preserving our family stories.
*This content is not sponsored, and I have not received any financial compensation. Interesting things cross my path, and I like to share them with others!
